Hey there, Lovely. I’m so glad that you are here.

I’m so glad that you are ready to grow that business of yours to be all that you dream of it being for yourself, your family, and others in the world. I’m so glad that you are taking steps to create a life that lights you up.

Mostly though, I’m so glad that you are ready to seek out help to get you there.

You realize this decision will take more than downloading freebie opt-ins. Or signing up for the latest one-size-suppose-to-fit-all “how-to miracle plan” to solve all of your biz-stuckness…all for just for $17.

No shame in that game! I’ve been there, done that.
And it’s my own journey that led me here to help you.

Maybe you’ve been in business for a while but not making progress you had hoped. Perhaps you are ready to level up and not sure how to make it happen. Or maybe you are new to the business scene, a new coach or service-based entrepreneur that needs help knowing what to do next to get this biz idea off the ground.

Wherever you are on your journey, I see you and understand what you are experiencing even without having met!

Because as a woman, I know you have a ton of other responsibilities. Some of this is society’s view of who we are, some are our upbringing, and some are our own expectations. I believe all have shaped your vision of who YOU are.

And sometimes, that’s the very thing that gets in the way of building a successful business.

Remember the 1980’s Enjoli commercial? “I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan. And never, ever let you forget you’re the man…”?

Um…yeah. Great concept for women’s empowerment. Horrible goal to have a harmonious life with space for yourself to pursue a dream of building your business.

I recognize how emotional labor for you is real, draining, and a distraction when building a business.


As your business coach, I bring

  • Over 15 years experience in marketing, communications, event planning and project management for non-profits.

  • A successful virtual assistant/online business management biz alongside my 9-to-5. Because of that success, I was able to leave my j-o-b within 18 months.

  • Coaching certification in 2015 and expanding my business to include coaching.

  • Professional Certified Coach (PCC) certification in 2020 through the International Coach Federation with needed over 500 coaching hours and approved coaching calls.

  • Training and coaching over 200 trainees through online and in-person training, including marketing and biz building, through being a lead coach + trainer for the Courageous Living Coach Certification.

  • A healthy shot of intuition, outside-the-box thinking , and big-picture strategies with real-world applications. I’ve been called a unicorn and Mama Liz, simultaneously. No joke!

  • Plus a total geek-out over productivity, systems, and technology with a side of woo.

Liz creates a supportive, engaging atmosphere in each coaching session which led to huge “a-has” in how to move my business forward.
— Skye Mercer, HR Consultant & Leadership Coach

My story

I have always had an entrepreneurial spirit. From the melted wax creations I tried to sell in first grade (was I really allowed to play with matches back then?) to the elaborate horse ranches I would draw and plan for my future. Looking back, I know it’s about more than owning a ranch or selling wax sculptures. It was a drive to make my own mark and carve my own path.

And this continued as I got older with many experiences in network marketing…everything from Discovery Toys, Tupperware, and Mary Kay. But something about those opportunities just didn’t feel right. I wanted to offer more. I craved connections and not have my friends afraid I was going to try to sell them something every time we met.

Experience meets ease

After many years working in non-profit marketing and communications, I was often being asked for help others with their businesses. I had been lucky enough to be in the online world just as Internet marketing was becoming a thing. And I wasn’t afraid of testing it out.

Seriously, the Yellow Pages were still a couple inches thick, and most businesses still were throwing their advertising dollars in that direction. But in the non-profit world, there just weren’t funds for advertising. So I threw caution to the wind and tried social media marketing with great success.

I was happy with the results and happy that others were asking for advice.

And I gladly shared my experiences…for free.

I was spending many late nights and weekends helping others - while still juggling the needs of my family and a full-time job helping others. I wondered, “If people were asking me for help and I was giving all of my hard-earned experience and time away, wouldn’t someone want to pay for this too?”

And that’s when I began my consulting, virtual assistant, and online business manager business. With that, I was a business owner. I grew my side-biz into a full-time gig and quit the 9-to-5, 18 months later.

I was helping my clients set up and run profitable courses, create marketing campaigns, and set up workflows and systems. But often, we would have the best plans in place. However, my clients were finding themselves getting stuck, making u-turns on their progress or completely backsliding while questioning their confidence.

My clients were experiencing fear, the strains of juggling a family alongside building a business and caring for everyone else. Bottom line? They needed more support than I felt comfortable giving.

Realizing this, I earned my life coaching certification from the Courageous Living Coach Certification in 2015. (And I am very honored to be a lead coach/trainer + mentor coach coordinator for the organization today!)

Becoming a coach opened a whole new world for me. I started a podcast Midlife Schmidlife and even became a published author! It changed how I saw myself, and I wanted to help other women see themselves as courageous too.

Liz in helocopter.jpg

Becoming a coach changed how I saw myself.

And yes, this is me learning how to pilot a helicopter. Being courageous in one area allows you to be brave in many others.

How I can help you

My approach is different than most “business coaches” you will find. I don’t believe you can put your business in one silo and your life in another. As women, we carry many responsibilities in our daily lives, which creates the need for boundaries and harmony - without burning ourselves out.

I can help you create business systems that support balance and strategies for continued growth. I can also help you explore self-care and asking for what you want and need. I can help you shift your mindset around marketing and being seen, and I can give you a loving kick in the pants to keep your goals as a priority.

Want to find out more about working together? Hop on over to the Work with Me Page.

Liz is my not-so-secret weapon. I tell practically everyone I meet about how much she’s helped me .
— Jo Casey, Business Coach

My values

I strive to align my business with who I am as a person. I wish this for my business and yours.

With that being said, you must know that I work with and support all races, cultures, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are sought and supported by me.

I will always stand up, speak out, and support others in marginalized communities. I’ve marched at women’s rallies, support common sense gun laws, donated to many organizations including Planned Parenthood and the ACLU. I’ve also volunteered at the Texas/Mexico border to support asylum seekers.

Kindness is everything. Love is love. Science is real. No human is illegal. Women's rights are human rights.  

I create communities that are brave spaces for all. No oppressive language or actions will be tolerated by me personally or within my communities.

This is not to say that we can’t or won’t mess up - we will and do. But we must realize that our version of the world is not everyone’s. We need to be brave enough to listen - and courageous enough to take care of our mistakes. I hope you will join me in these efforts.

If you disagree with me on any of this, we aren’t meant to work together. I truly wish you the best in your endeavors but I won’t sacrifice my values to gain a client.