How to show up in your biz when there is so much pain in the world

Having trouble knowing how to show up in your biz when there is so much pain in the world? How do you sell a program? How do you talk to others about becoming a client? How do you post on social media? How do you share your values and run your biz from that place too?

As an empathic, heart-centered service-based entrepreneur (damn, that's a mouthful) this is something I struggle with often. Because  let’s face it, the world is full of hurting people, systems are most often built to keep one group oppressed and the news is hardly ever about rainbows and sunshine. ⁣

⁣For me it's important to recognize the hurting while honoring my tendencies - my processes. Honestly, I still don’t have it all figured out. I only know that for me, it’s okay to ride the waves of emotions and honor the grief and physical exhaustion that takes hold.⁣ It's okay to take the nap that I need balanced with the work I need to do. It's okay to step away from social media so I can care for myself. Because being a martyr and bringing myself to adrenal fatigue again (yep, it's a thing I have to watch) serves no one. 

⁣And I know to trust that at some point, I feel the shift within myself. I can trust this because I’ve gone through this so many times before.

But here is what I know - you are a woman trying to build your business for a better life for yourself and your family. You may also feel the weight of the world, just as I do, and still want to help others. You may also experience “weltschmerz” (A German word for feeling world pain) just as I do, but also have a burning desire to make the world a better place, one client at a time.⁣

⁣So at some point we need to lean into trusting that a shift will happen. And you and I still have work to do. You and I have clients to serve. You and I have new connections to make.⁣

⁣So I’m here. I’m present. I continue to lean into learning more about white supremacy and my part I’m dismantling it. I will continue to listen to Black voices - and really listen. I will continue to wear my mask in public even when I get eye rolls and snarky comments because you know, there is still a world pandemic. ⁣

My hopes are that in me showing up the best that I can, I inspire you to do the same. Hoping it gives you a push to know that someone else gets it. Hoping it blows hope on warm embers to know that I believe in you & the goodness you bring into the world.⁣ Hoping it inspires you to not give up on your business, even when things feel out of our control and hard. 

⁣Please continue to share your magic. Share the beautiful gifts you have to inspire others to do the same. Keeping quiet lets the hate & ugliness win. I'm hoping you will join me in the sunshine & love to let it shine through us.⁣

 We can do this, together.


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