Trying New Things with Diane Diaz

When was the last time you learned something new? 

And I don’t mean learning a trivia fact that will make you team captain at trivia night. I mean learning something new. Like taking a class learning a new skill or hobby. Something that takes you out of your comfort zone and puts you back in the beginner's mindset.

I have a theory that our confidence plummets when we quit actively learning. We may feel confidence in what we already know - if you’ve been at your career for 20 years, you’d be pretty confident there, right? Sadly though that becomes such a comfort zone that taking steps outside of our usual creates a lot of discomfort.

And as adults, we usually have so much going on that we forget to learn new things. Just ask yourself when the last time was that you took a new route home? Or tried a new restaurant or even a new type of food? Never tried Thai food…? Why? When was the last time you learned a new skill? Attempted a new hobby? Shopped at a different store? Read a different genre of book? Or listened to a different style of music?

See? As adults we can get pretty closed off to new experiences and opportunities around us. We then begin believing that we can’t…but in reality, we won’t. 

This is so ironic because for most of us, as children, each school year was a new classroom, a new teacher, a new group of kids, new subjects. If you went to college that became every semester. And as parents, we expected our kids to do well in these ever-changing situations…and yet here we are, as adults, stuck in our routines and comfort zones.  

This week's guest, Diane Diaz, shares how learning a new skill in her late 30’s catapulted her confidence into many new experiences. From starting a new career to competing in the Florida Ironman Triathlon in her 40s, and so much more.

Diane is a speaking coach and personal brand strategist. She loves working with women to help them find their unique voice and build their personal brand and thought leadership through speaking. Nothing makes her happier than seeing other women step into their power, tell their stories, and make a bigger impact. She loves seeing women's confidence and seeing more and more women move into positions of power and influence in our world in companies, on boards, and in political office. More women in positions of influence and power, please! :-)

 We are making our way through the "How They Got Started" series, and Diane's story is one to inspire you to get out of your comfort zone. 

 Be sure to connect with Diane:



Liz Applegate

Owner and lead marketing strategist at

Living by Trial and Error with Kerstin Martin


Following Your Intuition with Marianne de Kleer